Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Art of Procrastination

It isn't easy.... to always put off things 'til the last moment. It takes a tremendous amount of creativity and downright effort to come up with other things that are more important than the things on your "Must Do" list. For example, at this very moment my "Must Do" list contains only two items:
  • Homework topic A
  • Homework topic B

One would think it would be easier to simply finish the homework and therefore stop worrying about it. Not to mention the added benefit of understanding and accomplishing the assignment. I, however, am doing other things.

"Why, Lesley," you ask, "what other things could you possibly be doing?" I'm so glad you asked. Here is a brief run-down of the creative ways I have NOT done homework just today:

  • web site profile maintenance-- I have updated my profiles with the most current information for each of these sites: Facebook, Twitter, Twine, Xanga, Here.
  • commenting status updates -- I reviewed 3 pages of friends' Facebook updates and added my two cents worth to most of them.
  • sending email -- You can't just let them remain unreplied to, can you?
  • updating web sites -- This is different than updating profiles. I have added a few new entries to my Twitter, one entirely new Twine and a bunch of new items there, plus new photos on Facebook.
  • grocery shopping -- Actually, I just wanted a giant cookie from the grocery store, but I also stocked up on snackage and cereal for Caleb since he will be off school for the next two weeks.
  • blogging -- Which you are reading.

See folks, it takes some creative planning to come up with this many time-wasters. It's no poetry effort, but it IS somewhat of a challenge.

However, it is now less than 3 hours until my homework is due, so I shall grudgingly try to accomplish it. Unless you can come up with something better?


Torigurl said...

I spent my afternoon watching the White Sox game, parts of National Treasure and Titanic, and trying to de-stress over my criminology paper

Wendy said...

Thanks for your kind comment, Lesley! I found your xanga through madhousewife, and I see you're starting a new blog here. I like your style of writing